We are looking forward to our 13th consultation which will take place in Salzburg, Austria, from Wednesday May 28th till Sunday June 1st. The theme of the conference is: Open for the future: Envisioning chaplaincy in the midst of transition. Health Care is evolving rapidly. How will demographics, finance, social ethics, multiple and chronic diseases, patient self management, home care and outpatient care, an ageing society influence healthcare and chaplaincy? How will chaplaincy look in 5 or 10 years? Are we heading towards a cliff as chaplains? Do we have a vision for chaplaincy that will enable us to handle the future of health care? Questions that will lead to interesting discussions and exchange. We already have two eminent speakers who will join us to give an input for our discussions: Prof. Dr. John Swinton (University of Aberdeen) and Prof. Dr. Clemens Sedmak (King’s College London and Salzburg University).
Attached you can find the invitation letter of the local organizer and the registration form as well as a first draft of the program. Please register before April 11th, 2014! The participation fee is 500€ which includes your lodging, meals, beverages and cultural events. The Father Stavros Kofinas fund provides financial support to those participants who need it. If you need financial support, please fill in the registration form accordingly and contact our treasurer . We all look forward to welcome you in beautiful Salzburg and to what the ENHCC does best: exchange good practices, learn from each other, network and enrich our chaplaincies!