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20th anniversary of chaplaincy in the Hungarian Reformed Church

Anne Vandenhoeck, Coordinatory of the Netowrk sent greeting to Hungarian Chaplains celebrating the 20th anniversary of chaplaincy in the Hungarian Reformed Church.

[Text of letter]

[November 2012]



E-learning course

Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Europe: Modern Challenges

The Woolf Institute (Cambridge) is inviting applications for the e-learning course, Jews, Christians and Muslims in Europe: Modern Challenges which will begin in late February 2013. The the e-learning approach allows participants to study wherever and whenever they choose via the internet. [More Information]

[November 2012]


New Chaplaincy Documents in Finland

Sampo Muurinen from Finland has provided copies of two new chaplaincy documents now in use in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland:

  1. Principles for Hospital Chaplaincy which has been accepted by the National Church Council in the plenary session on 17 August, 2011.
  2. Renewed Hospital Chaplaincy Specialisation Program  - accepted by The Bishops’ Council on 13 September 2011

[September 2012]



The Anglo-Nordic-Baltic Theological Conference 2012

We have heard about a call for papers for the 2012 Anglo-Nordic-Baltic theology conference which takes place in Mirfield in England this year between Monday 3rd –Friday 7th Sept 2012
The theme this year is Being Together: Christian Anthropology and they are as interested in applied theology as much as the big theological themes. Papers are invited which address this theme in wide variety of ways. These could be a ‘conference paper’ in usual academic terms, or a discussion starter, or a creative/artistic exploration of an aspect of the theme. It may be that, from our attention to people’s stories, chaplains feel that they have something to offer.

[More Information]

[March 2012]


Pastoral care in hospitals: a literature review

Tullio Proserpio, Claudia Piccinelli, and Carlo Alfredo Clerici of the Pastoral Care Unit, IRCCS Foundation National Cancer Institute of Milan have published a liternature review of pastoral care in hospitals, investigating the potential contribution of the pastoral care provided in hospitals by hospital chaplains, as part of an integrated view of patient care, particularly in institutions dealing with severe disease.

The conclusion of the review is:

Improvements are needed on several fronts to professionalize the pastoral care provided in hospitals and modernize the figure of the hospital chaplain. These improvements include better relations between modern chaplains and the hospital organization and scientific world; more focus on a scientific approach to their activities and on evaluating the efficacy of pastoral care activities; greater clarity in the definition of the goals,methods and procedures; the design of protocols and a stance on important ethical issues; respect for the various faiths, different cultures and both religious and nonreligious or secularized customs; greater involvement in the multidisciplinary patient care teams, of which the hospital chaplains are an integral part; stronger integration with public health operators and cooperation with the psychosocial professions; specific training on pastoral care and professional certification of chaplains; and the development of shared ethical codes for the profession.

Published in TUMORI an Italian international, peer-reviewed Journal devoted to publication of original contributions in experimental and clinical cancer research.

Full text

[January 2012]


Conference in Scotland: 

Spiritual Care and Health: Improving Outcome and Enhancing Wellbeing

Registration for the Spiritual Care and Health: Improving Outcome and Enhancing Wellbeing International Conference, 13 and 14 March 2012 is now open.  The conference will be held in Glasgow.  
Please register at the link below by 13 January 2012:

Click here to see the draft programme

Please feel free to circulate this informationl to interested colleagues.

[December 2011]



‘Soft Shepherd or Almighty Pastor: Power (im)balances in Pastoral Care’

From the 5th until the 7th January 2012 an International Academic Expert Seminar entitled ‘Soft Shepherd or Almighty Pastor: Power (im)balances in Pastoral Care’ will take place at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KULeuven, Belgium. This international Academic expert seminar aims to bring distinguished scholars together to examine the question of power in pastoral care from different perspectives. The seminar seeks to provide a platform where knowledge from various disciplines and multiple approaches can be shared in an enriching encounter that fosters refined and thorough research on power in pastoral care, imbedded in its particular contexts of churches and policy.

You will find more information in the leaflet or on
Registration is required. You could register by sending an email to

[Download leaflet]

22 November 2011



Ecumenical cooperation between Swiss chaplains and African chaplains

Information about cooperation between the French speaking Swiss chaplains and chaplains in Congo.

Formation d'aumôniers d'hôpitaux en Afrique francophone (RDC)

Le Directeur national des aumôneries au Congo, pasteur Alfred Mbuta, ), a contacté l'aumônerie du CHUV (Hôpital universitaire Lausanne), en 2008 pour une aide logistique en vue de la formation professionnelle des aumôniers d'hôpitaux en RDC. L'ASRSP (Association suisse romande de supervision pastorale) a été saisie du dossier et m'a mandaté pour répondre à cette demande.


Avec mon collègue superviseur, Klaus Völlmin, nous nous sommes alors attelés depuis 2 ans à établir une filière de formation pastorale à l'Ecoute et à la Communication en Afrique francophone, au Congo-Kinshasa.
Ainsi nous avons pu conduire  en 2010, un premier CPT de 6 semaines à l'Hôpital Général de Kinshasa, avec 10 pasteurs, tous impliqués dans l'aumônerie. Il s'agissait pour nous de tester  cette formule sur place, de vérifier sa pertinence et son adéquation à la culture et aux besoins locaux, avant d'élaborer la suite du projet.

L'enjeu est de taille dans ce sous-continent qui compte plus de 500 hôpitaux principaux. Jusqu'ici l'aumônerie d'hôpital y est déficiente. Nous découvrons que l'accompagnement spirituel et pastoral en général, lui aussi est déficient, inexistant !  Jusqu'à présent, il n'y a aucune formation de type CPT en Afrique francophone. La réponse enthousiaste de tous les acteurs nous a conduits à poursuivre l'entreprise, en l'adaptant en fonction des expériences faites.


Cette année 2011, nous avons pu organiser et animer un 2ème stage CPT à Kinshasa de septembre à octobre, à trois avec le pasteur Mbuta. Ce cours a réuni 16 stagiaires extrêmement motivés, provenant des 4 coins du pays (déplacements en avion).  Il a été marqué par la qualité des personnes qui l’ont suivi, non seulement à cause de la qualification institutionnelle de la plupart (présidents de conseils synodaux, présidents provinciaux -  sortes d'évêques -, professeur de théologie, aumôniers universitaires et pasteurs de paroisse) tous engagés dans une pastorale d’accompagnement, mais aussi par la force de leur motivation et de leur engagement dans ce processus très dense et exigeant.


Ils ont fait la découverte étonnée et l'expérience bouleversante  d'une manière radicalement autre d'accompagner et d'être accompagnés spirituellement et professionnellement. Un nouvel enjeu s'est alors manifesté: le besoin urgent et l'envie de se former comme accompagnants spirituels professionnels des pasteurs (=superviseurs pastoraux). C'est une spiritualité incarnée et intégrale - intégrée qui est véhiculée par cette approche CPT, et nos collègues de RDC en ressentent le grand besoin. Non seulement pour les aumôneries d'hôpitaux, mais aussi pour l'accompagnement pastoral et spirituel des pasteurs et prêtres.


Au point où nous en sommes, avec l'Eglise du Christ au Congo (=protestants) et probablement en accord avec la Conférence épiscopale nationale du Congo (=catholiques), nous prévoyons un 3ème CPT en août- septembre 2012 pour 18 participants, co-animé comme en 2011 par nous trois. Nous envisageons de choisir 6 personnes parmi les 16 de cette année, tous enthousiastes et compétents, pour accomplir leur 2ème CPT, puis suivre 10 jours de session méthodologique, en octobre en vue d'entrer en formation de superviseurs. Ils pourront ensuite co-animer d'autres cours à travers le pays:
un CPT à Kisangani en janvier 2013, un à Goma en août - septembre 2013 et un autre à Kinshasa. Le besoin et les demandes affluent de toutes parts !


Autant Klaus Völlmin que moi, nous approchons de nos 70 ans et percevons l'appel à ne pas tarder dans la mise en œuvre de ces projets. Peut-être pouvez-vous percevoir l'énergie qui nous est encore donnée, et l'enthousiasme qui nous anime… et entrer "en résonance" ! Peut-être aussi quelques-uns d'entre vous pourrez entendre un appel à participer financièrement à ces projets.


En 2010 et 2011, nous avons bénéficié de l'aide de deux fondations (Champ-Soleil à Lausanne et Appui Catholique à la cure d'âme à Lucerne) ainsi que d'une dizaine de paroisses romandes et alémaniques, de l'aumônerie œcuménique de l'Hôpital universitaire de Zurich et de personnes individuelles et des contributions des stagiaires, et nous avons renoncé évidemment à tout salaire. Cela nous a permis de couvrir les frais, à raison de Fr 12'000.- en 2010, et Fr 38'000.- en 2011 . Nous évaluons les frais de 2012 à 40'000.-.
Il me reste à vous saluer cordialement, dans la joie d'avoir pu partager ce fardeau et cette vision.
Le 10 novembre 2011                      Pour Klaus Völlmin et moi,  Jean-Claude Schwab
Jean-Claude Schwab
Route Principale 11
2073 Enges
tél/fax   032 753 63 42
[email protected]


November 2011



Letter of the coordinator of the ENHCC on the occasion of the

Foundation of the Czech Association for Hospital Chaplains

Saturday, October 22nd 2011

Dear members of the association,
Dear honorary guests,

It is always exciting to start with something new in life! Often something new does not fall out of the sky, but has been growing for some time. People have been expressing needs; there have been talks, meetings, preparations. The need to gather in an association is an understandable one. The work of hospital chaplains is very rewarding but can be also challenging. The need for contact with others is not a luxury but a necessity. It is a necessity for three reasons. The first one is that an association offers the possibility to support one and another by sharing experiences and challenges. It is not uncommon for a chaplain to serve alone in a hospital. Of course other staff members can be experienced as colleagues too but they may never understand chaplaincy as another chaplain can. Therefore I do encourage you to support one another in different ways so the work keeps being a joyous calling and not a burden. The second reason is that an association can offer ways to professionalize chaplaincy. Organizing trainings and ongoing education on different aspects of chaplaincy is much easier done by an association which has a direct connection with the grass roots of chaplaincy. The third reason why it is good to have an association is that society, churches and faiths become more aware of the profession and the work of a chaplain. The promotion of the profession is a necessity in the ever changing world of health care.
Dear chaplains, let this be a day of joy for you all! A day where you feel how good and rewarding it is to be a chaplain! It is a profession to be proud of! As a coordinator of the European Network of HealthCare Chaplains, I congratulate you with the start of your association and I wish you many blessings on your journey. May God bless you with enrichment through meetings with patients, family, staff and each other!
Ad multos annos!

Dr. Anne Vandenhoeck
Coordinator of the ENHCC


The 2nd International Conference of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for Pastoral Health Care

In October Father Stavros Kofinas organized the second international conference of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for pastoral healthcare on the island of Rhodes. Father Adamantios Avgoustidis represented the ENHCC and read a letter from the coordinator.

To the participants of the second international conference of the ecumenical patriarchate for pastoral healthcare


Dear father Stavros,
Dear participants,


I am sorry I cannot be with you at your second international conference due to the fact that I am starting a professional association for chaplains in my own country (Belgium) and have to lecture during the starting conference. But allow me, through father Adamantios who is a committee member of ENHCC, to speak a few words to you.


When Steve Jobs died last week, the media did not reveal in their broadcasting financial reports of Apple, nor did they say how rich he was, but they kept repeating his speech at the University of Stanford in 2005 on death. He described death as “the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent.” His views on death implicated a vibrant perspective on life. Indeed, one does not go without the other. He pleaded to live life fully because of the presence of death. Something, I am sure, that chaplains experience from time to time. Dealing with death is an important part of the work of chaplains. It implies they are confronted with the finitude of the lives of patients, the grieving of loved ones but also with their own finitude and vulnerability. It sometimes leads to living life in the consciousness of its limitations and as a consequence trying to live it to the fullest. The theme of the conference thus seems challenging and interesting.


In this letter to wish you a fruitful conference, I especially want to mention the enormous work father Stavros Kofinas did for our network. He has been a coordinator for 8 years and was particularly involved in the growth of the ENHCC. I am sure that once again you will experience his enormous work drive and his motivation to bring chaplains together from all over the world. We will honor him at our next consultation in the Netherlands in June 2012.

It is fitting to mention the apostle Paul to participants of a conference on Rhodes Island. Paul said in his first letter to the Corinthians: “God is faithful” (1 Cor. 1, 9). It is a wonderful thing to hear, to experience and as Christians to try to achieve ourselves. Indeed, as chaplains we should be recognized by our faithfulness to patients, their loved ones and to staff, especially in front of the gates of death.


I do wish you all an inspiring and enriching time in Rhodes.


Leuven, October 9th 2011
Dr. Anne Vandenhoeck

Coordinator of the European Network of HealthCare Chaplaincy


New Book published in German

Helmut Weiß: Seelsorge - Supervision - Pastoralpsychologie

Dear friends,

Advertitzing a German book to you, hm - that is a kind of un-usual.
And yet: for some of you it might be good that Helmut's book exists, for some it might be a good chance to point it out to persons you know and who usually read German well,
but then: also some of you, too, read German well!

Helmut states his expertise in this book and points out to the center of 'Seelsorge' in his concept, that is working on relations and establishing rapport - and then work on life/experiences and Faith/trust' and on dealing with experiences of 'the contigent',  to ventually order life and structure contexts of one's life, and reach out to basic sources and to the 'beyond all that' in one's faith.

Please, note the links to the left
best regards

Klaus Temme

Society for Intercualtural Pastoral Care and Counselling

Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
liebe Freundinnen und Freunde:

ich möchte Eure/Ihre Aufmerksamkeit gerne auf das Buch von Helmut Weiß lenken,
das gerade erschienen ist:

Einen Hinweis gibt es auch auf der SIPCC-Facebook-Seite,
die man/frau
so erreichen kann - auch ohne Facebook-Mitglied zu sein



Epsom Mental Health Week

9-15 October 2011. A week of events in Epsom (near London)
Changing Attitudes, Changing Lives


Training Bulletin from England and Wales

Training Bulletin 44 Extra September 2001 gives details of a number of lectures and courses

Mary E. Ingledew
HCC Administrator
Hospital Chaplaincies Council
Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ
Phone: 020 7898 1895 
web address:


The Future of Muslim Chaplaincy in Britain

The Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK and the Centre for Chaplaincy Studies at Cardiff Universityare holding a One-Day Conference on ‘The Future of Muslim Chaplaincy in Britain’ on Thursday 22nd September 2011 in Cardiff. [More information and registration form]

28 August 2011


Coordinator sends thoughts and prayer to the Norwegian people

Anne Vandenhoeck send the following message on behalf of the network to our Norwegian colleagues:

As a European community we are shocked whenever violence and hatred unexpectedly enter our lives and shatter the lives of so many. Our thoughts and prayers go to the Norwegian people who are afflicted by the loss of so many lives. As a network we offer our sympathy to all Norwegian chaplains who are taking care of the deceased, the wounded, their families, friends and the members of a traumatized society. Know that we pray for you and send you our support.


Anne Vandenhoeck
C coordinator

25 July 2011



VGVZ 40th Anniversary Celebrations

The ENHCC Committee was delighted to join with the members of VGVZ, the Dutch Chaplains' Association) to celebrate their 40th anniversary at the Domkerk in Utrecht on 22 June 2011. The guest of honour was Her Royal Highness Princess Margriet of the Netherlands. Our Coordinator Anne Vandenhoeck brought greetings from the network. [More]

[June 2011]


Training Bulletin from England and Wales

Training Bulletin 44 Extra gives details of a number of lectures and courses

Mary E. Ingledew
HCC Administrator
Hospital Chaplaincies Council
Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ
Phone: 020 7898 1895 
web address:


Chaplaincy in a Multi-Faith Context Conference

Thursday 1st December - Friday 2nd December
At Cardiff University and St Michael's College, LlandaffGuest Speaker:
Professor David Ford (Regius Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge & Director of the Cambridge Multi-Faith Programme) [More]

[March 2011]


Conference: Dying of Dementia in a Multi-ethic Society

Health care Conferences UK is delighted to invite you to a  Conference  titled, “Remember Me: Dying of Dementia in a Multiethnic Society” to be held on Thursday, February 24, 2011 at  Comfort Hotel Harrow, 2-12, Northwick Park Road, Harrow, Middlesex, UK.  This organization is committed to innovative health education and inspiring quality care with a special focus on Multicultural and multifaith aspects of  the delivery of person focused care at the End of  Life. 

 Prof. Dr. Timothy Domer who is highly reputed for his training sessions on Dementia care in the United States of America will deliver the Keynote lecture at this conference which will also address the theme of Palliative care for   patients with end stage dementia from a number of perspectives including clinical, familial, ethical cultural and the  spiritual.  Among the  other three speakers, two  are  theologians who are highly respected in Canada and are internationally renowned   for their experience and expertise in this field and are recognized as exceptionally committed care-providers.  Prof. Dr. Joseph Chandrakanthan is a   Catholic priest/ Theologian  and Prof. Dr. Hazel Markwell is a theologian who has been working in   Hospitals in Canada for over 20 years. Prof. Dr. Ryan is a Palliative care medical expert  from Francis Hospice in Dublin Ireland.
The flier attached herewith gives all the  important details about the conference. You are welcome to visit our website, for more information if you wish.  

[January 2011]


Conference of European Churches

In June 2009 Father Stavros, as a coordinator of ENHCC,  sent an application letter to CEC (Conference of European Churches) to become one of their associated organizations. The application was presented by Rev. Prof. Dr. Viorel Ionita, interim general secretary of CEC, to the Central Committee of CEC in its meeting of September 2010. Because of the revision process of CEC and the unclear status of the associated organizations within CEC, the Central Committee froze all applications and recommends to the several commissions of CEC to involve us in their work as appropriate.

[November 2010]



Tagung "Medizin und Ethik: Tagung "Medizin und Ethik: Wo steht der Mensch"

Das Europäische Forum Alpbach in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Ärztekammer und mit der Ärztekammer für Wien freut sich, die Tagung "Medizin und Ethik: Wo steht der Mensch? Kommunikation in Theorie und Praxis"
Zeit: 17. bis 18. November 2010, Beginn: 17. November, 17:00 Uhr
Ort: Schloß Schönbrunn Tagungszentrum, Apothekertrakt, 1130 Wien, Zugang Grünbergstraße
Sprache: Deutsch (ohne Übersetzung)


Fr Stavros send greetings To the Participants of the 2010 Conference of Hospital Chaplains Of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland

Dear Fellow-Chaplains,

I greet you on behalf of all the participants of the European Network of Health Care Chaplaincy (ENHCC), which come from 46 organizations of 29 European countries.

In September of 2010, we will be celebrating 20 years of European Chaplaincy and 10 years since the founding of the ENHCC. The Finnish Chaplaincy has been one of the main founding members of our European Network. With the wise and fervent representation of Rev. Kirsti Aalto, your Chaplaincy contributed to the writing of the Standards for Health Care Chaplaincy for Europe. These Standards were ratified during the ENHCC’s  7th Consultation hosted by the Lutheran Church in Turku in June of 2002. In addition to this, Rev. Kirsti Aalto has served on the Network Committee for six years. Through her love and commitment, all the participants of the Network have acquired a true respect and sense of friendship for Finland and its people, more so for the service that you as Finnish Chaplains offer.

The theme of your 2010 Conference, “The Challenge of Different Religions and Cultures to the Hospital Chaplain”, is relevant and challenging. It touches on how we, as spiritual health care providers, can minister to a world that poses many differences on all levels of existence. The challenge which we face is how we can continue to serve and minister to the spiritual needs of those that suffer within a society that has become secular and pluralistic.

It is true that the new European multi-cultural society in which we live poses new challenges to chaplaincy organizations to work together. It is also true that at the heart of each natural unity there must be the need to rejoin and fertilize one another. But the question remains: How can people achieve harmony unless they first agree upon the basis of their union?

The commandment “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” can indeed prevent conflict but it alone is incapable of promoting the growth needed to fulfil union on a personal, social and universal level. In order to reach such a level, we must complete ourselves by looking toward the future as a continuation of our past, in not denying who we are only for the sake of attaining a superficial sense of solidarity. We must also learn from our neighbouring branches. For nations and ethnic groups are intertwined schemes of traditions which are placed in families that must strive to express a sense of universality – ecumenicity – catholicity. But in saying this, we must never forget that we cannot conquer the inner antipathies which separate us from the joys of unity unless we consciously strive to draw near, not only to something, but to the Someone who is greater than us and this universe.

May your Conference allow you to discuss the challenges that we all face. I am sure that the results of your meeting will contribute to all of our Chaplaincies throughout Europe.

Expressing my best wishes and many prayers,

Rev. Dr. Stavros Kofinas
Coordinator of the European Network of Healthcare Chaplaincy
(Representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate)

[August 2010]


International Council on Pastoral Care and Counselling

The 9th World - Congress of the ICPCC will take place in Rotorua / Aotearoa - New Zealand, 21-27 August 2011. The theme is "RITUALS OF ENCOUNTERS in Healing: Pastoral Care and Counselling". [More Information]

[March 2010]


Survey on Chaplaincy and End of Life Issues

The 10th Consultation of the European Network of Health Care Chaplaincy that took place in Estonia in May of 2008 had the theme “From quality to sanctity of human life” and dealt with end of life issues.
As a continuation of the meeting, the members of the Network Committee decided that it would be useful to carry out a small survey regarding how end of life issues are dealt with in diferent countries and chaplaincies. This will allow participant to learn from one another, and serve as a reference source for the bodies that the Network has been collaborating with over the past years, such as the EU Commission for Public Health and the Church and Society Commission of CEC.

[December 2009]


The Eighth Norman Autton Memorial Lecture

Fr Stavros gave the 8th Norman Autton memorial Lecture in London on 5th October 2009 under the title: Dimensions of Spirituality in Pastoral Health Care

8th Autton memorial Lecture

R to L: Fr Stavros with Mrs Kate Autton, Fr Edward Lewis and Miss Mary Ingledew

8th Autton Lecture text [Text of the Lecture]

[October 2009]


Network Committee meets in Istanbul

Patriarchate Sept 09

The Network committee met in Istanbul 10-14 September 2009. The main task was to prepare for the 11the Consultation which will take place in London in September 2010. The meetings took place in the Eucmenical patriarchate and the committee was honoured to be received by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

[September 2009]


Head Nurses’ Perceptions of the Roles and Functions of Hospital Chaplains: A Survey in the German Part of Switzerland

Marlene Inauen has sent in a report on some research done in Switzerland about how head nurses view chaplains. A random sample of 231 head nurses from 120 healthcare institutions in the German part of Switzerland was surveyed about their views on the importance the roles and functions of of chaplains. [More]

[September 2009]


ENHCC Coordinator’s Greeting at the Opening Ceremony of the European Conference of Pastoral Care and Counseling “Prophetic Pastoral Care and Counseling” August 20, 2009 – Leuven, Brussels 

“On behalf of the participants of the European Network of Health Care Chaplaincy, with great joy, I greet you upon the opening of this very important and praise-worthy conference.

 “The European Network of Health Care Chaplaincy consists of 46 national organizations from 29 European countries. At our next consultation that will take place in London in September of 2010, we will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the foundation of our organization. It is the only organizational body which joins together almost all of the official recognized health care chaplaincies of Europe.

“Our gathering here in Leuven provides us with a great challenge: how we can provide a new vision of care, a light of hope, to a Europe that, in many ways, is in dismay. We live in a world that lacks leaders that are visionaries, that have a clear sense of identity and who hold true values which respect persons as whole beings, uniting them in a community of hope. 

“I am sure that our conference will give us the opportunities needed to become visionaries, to re-designate   our identity as pastoral care givers and to clarify our values, so as to be  vessels of personal growth, unity and, before all else, God’s Grace.”

Fr. Stavros Kofinas

[August 2009]



Fr Stavros Holds Meeting in Brussels

On Tuesday 9th of June, Fr. Stavros Kofinas, Coordinator of the ENHCC, went to Brussels to meet with officials of the EU and with the Director of the Church and Society Commission of CEC. Read the report of the meetings

[June 2009]



A Service to Commemorate the Life of Florence Nightingale

In a sermon addressed to 2,000 nurses and health professionals in Westminster Abbey in London on Florence Nightingale's anniversary, The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster, argued that spirituality was fundamental to health care and to healing, that it was advanced by chaplains and should be embedded in the training of health professionals. He argued for spiritual leadership in the health service.

[Text of the sermon]

[May 2009]


Call for Papers on Health Care Chaplaincy

The Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy is inviting authors to submit scholarly articles based on original research, quality assurance/improvement studies, descriptions of programs and interventions, program/intervention evaluations, and literature reviews on topics pertinent to pastoral care and counseling in relation to physical and mental health.  Scholarly articles on all relevant topics will be considered.  Topics of particular interest for future issues include:

Authors are encouraged to submit articles having some empirical basis that describe completed or on-going projects, programs, and research.  Full-length and brief reports of empirical research (including pilot studies) are especially encouraged.  All articles will be peer-reviewed.  

The Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy is an independent journal established in 1987 to promote professional chaplaincy through research and scholarship. It has a worldwide readership and is indexed on Medline.  The current publisher is Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia .  The journal is not affiliated with HealthCare Chaplaincy, New York .  Guidelines for submitting manuscripts can be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief, Kevin J. Flannelly, Ph.D., at .  The guidelines and other information about the journal also can be obtained at .

[May 2009]



Co-ordinator signs Appeal to End Stigma and Discrimination against People Affected by Leprosy

At the invitation of the Nippon Foundation, the Coordinator of the European Network of Health Care Chaplaincy, Rev. Dr. Stavros Kofinas, was asked to sign the 2009 Global . Also signing the appeal were many renowned world religious leaders. You can read more about the Nappon Foundation Global Appeal at .

See the the 2009 Global Appeal document and those who signed it.

The 2009 Global Appeal was launched a special ceremony that took place in London. Representing Fr. Stavros, on behalf of the EHNCC, was Fr. Edward Lewis. The message sent by the Coordinator of the ENHCC to the Global Appeal was:

�Christ's encounter with those that suffered from leprosy demonstrated that that realm of human suffering had to be bridged amongst us all. There is always a parallel between the exclusion of those that suffer physical illness with those that are excluded because their spiritual weaknesses. This Global Appeal is a true effort in bridging the gap between us all, reminding us that we all suffer, physically and spiritually,  in a common way and that we all can and must minister to one another in common love.�

Photograph of London Ceremony

[April 2009]


Interfaith Spiritual Care - Understandings and Practices

On April the 17th this book, "Interfaith Spiritual Care - Understandings and Practices" (Daniel S. Schipani and Leah Dawn Bueckert, editors) will be presented at the Descartes Center Bolognalaan 48, UMC Utrecht The Netherlands) from 2.30 pm till 4.30 pm. - followed by a reception.

[More Information]

[April 2009]



New Year Message from Father Adamantios Avgoustidis, president of ECPCC

Anne Vandenhoeck writes: Please go to our website to find the new years message of our president Father Adamantios Avgoustidis and more information about the confernce in Leuven in August.

[January 2009]


Palliative Care in Ukraine

Report on Palliative Care for 2008 in the Ukraine issued

[January 2009]


Pope Benedict XVI on Organ Donation: "A Unique Testimony of Charity"

Here is the address Benedict XVI gave upon receiving in audience participants in the international congress "A Gift for Life. Considerations on Organ Donation."
The congress, held in Rome in November 2008, was sponsored by the Pontifical Academy for Life, the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations, and the Italian National Transplant Center .

Text of the address

[November 2008]


Council of European Union conclusions on responsible nanosciences and nanotechnologies research (Oct 09)

Read the document

1st International Conference for Pastoral Health Care of the
Ecumenical Patriarchate

Fr Stavros at the opening ceremony

Upon decision of the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate,
the first “International Conference for Pastoral Health Care of the
Ecumenical Patriarchate” washeld in Rhodes,
Greece, between the 8th and the 12th of October 2008. President of the
Coordinating Committee was His Eminence, Kyrillos, Metropolitan of
Rhodes. There were one hundred seventy participants.
Fr Stavros played a major part in the organisation of this very successful gathering. Other participants ENHCC present were Rev Fred Coutts, Fr Edward Lewis and Fr Adamantios Avgousidis.

Concluding thoughts from the Conference

Press Release

Programme, Papers and Photographs

[October 2008]


Anne Vandenhoeck Addressed a Conference for French Speaking Chaplains

Anne Vandenhoeck spoke about ENHCC during the conference of the French speaking chaplains (both from Belgium and France) in Brussels on 24 October
The title of the conference was: Journées de l'aumônerie francophone. Reflexions sur la mort a l'usage des vivants. The conference was organized by La Commission francophone de l'aumônerie des hôpitaux, maisons de repos et de soins du CACPE et l'association Medico-sociale protestante.

[October 2008]


Jo Sharader Resigns as Executive Director of the Association of Professional Chaplains

The Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Chaplains concluded its Fall Meeting on Monday, September 22. During the meeting the Board of Directors, in mutual agreement with Josephine N. Schrader, accepted her resignation as Executive Director of the Association of Professional Chaplains effective October 31, 2008.
Jo moves on to pursue other opportunities after completing fifteen years of service. The leadership of the APC acknowledges and recognizes the many achievements, contributions and accomplishments to the College of Chaplains, the Association of Mental Health Clergy and to the APC during Jo's tenure.
Jo is well know to participant in the European Network of Healthcare Chaplain, having participated in our consultations in Lisobon and Tartu, Estonia.

Fr Stavros and Jo Schraden at Lisbon Consusltation

[October 2008]



After the shooting tragedy in Kauhajoki, Finland, when a student killed 10 people, the parish of Kauhajoki organized a memorial worship service in Kauhajoki Church.The Service was broadcast on Finnish Television.
The service will be conducted by the Minister of Kauhajoki Church, Jouko Ala-Prinkkilä, and the sermon given by the Bishop of the Diocese of Lapua, Simo Peura. Other contributors in the service are Minister for Health and Social Services Paula Risikko, Mayor of Kauhajoki Antti Rantakokko, Chairman of the City Council of Kauhajoki Lasse Hautala, the Principle of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences Tapio Varmola and students Heli Hallivuori and Laura Pakkala from the Kauhajoki School of Hospitality.
The President and members of the Finnish government will take part in the service.

BBC News report of the tragedy

Sermon at Kauhajoki by Bishop Simo Peura 28.9.08

[September 2008]


Chaplains Conference in Switzerland

The Catholic Association of German speaking Switzerland met for a conference in September with the theme: 'An Easterly word, and Easterly gesture'. The meeting focusedon the religious dimension in our encounters, in our speaking and listening, the spiritual care dimension in our being with patients and introduced a self-evaluation paper to reflect on this dimension.

Fr Stavros sends greetings from the Network to the Conference

[September 2009]


EU plans cross-border healthcare

The European Network of Health Care Chaplaincy took part in a special �dialogue seminar� in October of 2006 concerning the �Community action on health services� . The Seminar was jointly organized by the EU, CEC, the COMESE and Eurodiaconia. At this meeting, there were representatives from different faith-group organizations who heard EU officials talk about the developments of health services in light of the EU policy on commodity and trade.
The following news item published by BBC is related to the discussion at this meeting. It states that the boundaries of national health care services are changing in light of a consolidated European Union. We, as chaplains, must see what this means for us. For sure, it means that we need to cooperate with one another so as to minister to those that will be traveling to find therapy abroad and even more for those that will leave their home lands to serve in other medical systems.

[July 2008]


Annual Conference of Finish Hospital Chaplains

The Conference of Finnish Hospital Chaplains was held in Espoo, Finland, August 26 � 28 with the theme, Bridge over troubled water. Main lectures were held with themes, �Are we foreigners or straingers?� , �Who makes the decisions in heath care?�, �The theology of human body� , �Bridge over depression�.
Professional discussion groups had themes of psychiatry, dementia, pastoral care for cancer patients, pastoral care in crisis situations. The conference had 90 participants.

Fr Stavros sends greetings from the Network to the Conference

[August 2008]


A Pastoral letter from the Bishops of the Church of Sweden about HIV from a global perspective

The Swedish bishops' conference has published �A Pastoral letter from the Bishops of the Church of Sweden about HIV from a global perspective� translated into   three different languages, English, Spanish and   French. It is giving a theological, ethical and pastoral perspective on HIV. The letter is free to be distributed, used and copied. The letter could also be found in different languages on the website

 [English] [French] [Spanish]

[June 2008]


Fr Stavros writes about the Network in Plain Views

Here is the link to the article about the Network:

March 2008


Hospital chaplains' chief honoured by appointment as Chaplain to Her Majesty The Queen

The Revd Edward Lewis, chief executive of the Hospital Chaplaincies Council, has been appointed as a chaplain to Her Majesty The Queen , Buckingham Palace announced on Friday (1st February).

In his �day job', Fr Lewis supports the work of Anglican healthcare chaplains by co-ordinating training and information sharing between the network of 425 full-time and 3,000 part-time chaplains currently serving in the UK (325 of the full-time and 1,700 of the part-time chaplains are Anglican). He also serves as an honorary chief officer for the Multi-Faith Group for Healthcare Chaplaincy , and sits on the committee of the European Network for Healthcare Chaplaincy .

The honorary appointment will add Fr Lewis to the 36 members of the College of Chaplains, which forms part of The Queen's Ecclesiastical Household. Each of the chaplains preach once a year in the Chapel Royal, in St James' Palace, London, and also join a rota of chaplains who are available to Her Majesty at any time.

The Chair of the Hospital Chaplaincies Council and Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Revd Michael Perham, says: �This is not only a great honour for Edward personally, but represents something of the value that people place on hospital and other healthcare chaplains. Edward is a tireless advocate for the immensely important work they do, night and day, across the country.

�While nobody enters ordained ministry for prestige, it must be said that healthcare chaplains can face particularly unglamorous tasks, and have recently been faced with the added challenge of fears of cuts to their funding. I know that I will speak for many such chaplains as I welcome this appointment in the knowledge that Edward's honour is an endorsement of his colleagues' work.�

It is understood to be the first time for twenty-five years that a priest has been honoured in this way while working as a member of staff at the national Church institutions.

Fr Lewis - who also serves as a visiting lecturer at St Mary's University College, Twickenham, as a Priest Vicar at Westminster Abbey and a Justice of the Peace - is joined by two other ordained ministers in the Church of England who have recently been appointed as chaplains to Her Majesty the Queen.

They are the Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Chair of the Church of England's Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns and vicar of Holy Trinity, Dalston, East London; and Canon Andrew Clitherow, priest-in-charge of St Cuthbert's, Lytham, and an honorary canon of Blackburn Cathedral.

Welcoming Fr Lewis' honour, the Bishop of St Albans, the Rt Revd Christopher Herbert, comments: �As a priest who lives and regularly officiates in this diocese, Edward's appointment to this prestigious role is a source of great joy for all of us connected to the Church in Bedfordshire, Luton, Hertfordshire and Barnet.�

Fr Stavros Kofinas, Co-ordinator of the European Network of Healthcare Chaplains, adds: �Edward's contribution to the European Network's understanding of the healthcare scene in the UK has been significant, and his European colleagues will be delighted to congratulate him upon this honour. As we continue to learn from each other and share good practice in ministering to those going through dark times in their lives, this news will be a real boost to the morale and profile of those participating in the Network representing healthcare chaplains across Europe�.

[February 2008]


Request for research articles

We have received an invitation from the National Assocation of Catholic Chaplains in the USA to share research information.Dear Sister and Brother Chaplains
European Network of Healthcare Chaplaincy

We at the NACC are committed to sharing Chaplaincy-related research: to give each-other material for reflection and to report on interesting and useful developments in chaplaincy.
Research is not removed from a chaplain's bedside work of listening and comforting. More work is emerging from the field of chaplaincy � work showing systematically what we all know anecdotally, that chaplains offer a real, tangible benefit to the patients and families they serve.
Chaplaincy research may be an original study by a working chaplain, being published for the first time; or it may be a summary of valuable work published in professional journals. It is an unfortunate fact that studies are not always presented in a particularly user-friendly format, but our goal is to provide an article that will be applicable on the hospital floor.
If you are interested in using Vision to present the results of your own work to your American peers, or if you have seen work printed elsewhere that would deserve a wider audience, please contact for more information to Chaplain Paul Buche:
Research Section Editor
Vision � The Newsletter of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains [February 2008]
