European Health Care Chaplaincy Library



Related books

Being a Chaplain by Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, the Revd Mark Newitt published by SPCK
Before them set thy Holy Will by Revd Graham Reeves published by Melrose Books
Common Worship: A Pastoral Ministry Companion published by Church House Publishing
Enhancing the Healing Environment published by The Kings Fund
Hospital Chaplain's Handbook by the Revd Mark Cobb published by Canterbury Press
Multi-Faith Resource for Healthcare Staff by NHS Education for Scotland
Oxford Textbook of Spirituality in Healthcare edited by Mark Cobb, Christina M. Puchalski and Bruce Rumbold published by Oxford University Press
Reflective Caring: Imaginative listening to pastoral experience by the Revd Bob Whorton published by SPCK
Spiritual Care at the End of Life by Steve Nolan published by Jessica Kingsley
Spiritual Care for Healthcare Professionals: Reflecting on Clinical Practice by Tom Gordon, David Mitchell and Ewan Kelly published by Radcliffe Publishing
Spirituality and Mental Health by Peter Gilbert published by Pavilion
Spirituality, Ethics and Care by Simon Robinson published by Jessica Kingsley
Spirituality, Values and Mental Health Mary Ellen Coyte, Peter Gilbert and Vicky Nicholls
published by Jessica Kingsley
Supervision as Transformation: A Passion for Learning by Robin Shohet published by Jessica Kingsley

For specialist books/resources:
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Mind Publications
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence