Index of Articles
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Index of Titles
A Life Context approach for Developing End-of-Life Decisions
(Burn, Geroge A)
Are psychiatric preconceptions against pastoral care scientifically approved?
(Avgoustidis, Fr Adamantios)
Brücken bilden – Hoffnung stärken
(Inauen, Marlène)
A challenge for the European Network of Health Care Chaplains
(Vandenhoeck, Anne)
Common and Uncommon Ground
(Burn, George & Vandenhoeck, Anne)
Complementary Spiritual Practices in Professional Chaplaincy
(Association of Professional Chaplaincy, USA)
Differences and tensions in healthcare chaplaincy in Europe on a ecumenical level
(Forsbeck, Rev Rune)
Different dimensions of spirituality in European health care chaplaincy
(Kofinas, Fr Stavros)
Een persoonlijke eraring van een verrassende ontdekking: lesgeven aan arts-assistenten in het algemeen ziekenhuis (Nieuwenhuis, drs HJ)
Een kleine fenomenologie van het ambt (a phenomenology of ministry)
(Nieuwenhuis, drs HJ)
Ensuring a caring, careful death for all (Murray, Paul)
Healthcare Chaplaincy as a part of total care (Opatrná, Marie)
Healthcare Chaplaincy in Bulgaria: Traditions and Problems
(Vuchkov, Dr Jordan)
Hospital Healthcare Chaplaincy, A briefing paper from the Hospital Chaplaincies Council
(Herbert, Bishop Christopher)
Intra-Church differences and tensions in health care chaplaincy
(Brusco, Fr Dr Angelo)
Pastoral Counselling in Care Services: Between Confidential Space and Integrated Care (Axel Liégeois)
Professional Integration and Pastoral Integrity
(Os, Rev Eirik)
Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care for the spirit in a non-religious context
(Nolan, Rev Dr Steve)
( Tracy A. Balboni, Lauren C. Vanderwerker, Susan D. Block, M. Elizabeth Paulk, Christopher S. Lathan, John R. Peteet, and Holly G. Prigerson)
The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Medical Patients in German
(Büssing, Arndt, Ostermann, Thomas and Matthiessen, Peter F)
Spiritual Care in a Hospital Setting - An Empirical-theological Exploration
(Smeets, Dr Wim)
(Meel, Liidia)
The Theology of death and its relation to the pastoral care of the dying patient
(Kofinas, Fr Stavros)
Tragic Redemption: Healing the Guilt and Shame
(Hiram Johnson)
(Nieuwenhuis , H J)
Why is it an advantage to have a chaplain in the institution (hospital/hospice)?
(Naďová, Mgr Lýdia & Prásilová, Mgr Miriam)
Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare System?
(Opatrná,MUDr. Mgr. Marie)
Zo lijfelijk als de ziel (Nieuwenhuis , H J)
Index of Key Words
Advance Directives
- A Life Context approach for Developing End-of-Life Decisions... (Burn, George A)
- Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare...? (Opatrná)
Building Bridges, growing hope
- Brücken bilden – Hoffnung stärken (Inauen)
- Healthcare chaplaincy in Bulgaria....(Vuchkov)
Catholic chaplaincy
- Intra-Church differences and tensions..... (Brusco)
Challenges for ENHCC
- A challenge for the ENHCC (Vandenhoeck)
Challenges in contemporary healthcare
- Professional Integration and Pastoral Integrity (Os)
- Ensuring a caring, careful death for all (Murray, Paul)
- Hospital Healthcare Chaplaincy........(Herbert)
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia.....(Meel, Liidia)
- Why is it an advantage to have a chaplain...? (Naďová)
- Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare...? (Opatrná)
Chronic Disease
- The Role of Religion and Spirituality....(Büssing et al)
- The Role of Religion and Spirituality....(Büssing et al)
- Intra-Church differences and tensions..... (Brusco)
- Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care.....(Nolan)
- Pastoral Counselling in Care Services....... (Liégeois)
- Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare...? (Opatrná)
Consultation of European Network of Health Care Chaplaincy
- Brücken bilden – Hoffnung stärken (Inauen)
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia.....(Meel, Liidia)
- Pastoral Counselling in Care Services....... (Liégeois)
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia....(Meel, Liidia)
- Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care.....(Nolan)
- A Life Context approach for Developing End-of-Life Decisions... (Burn, George A)
- Ensuring a caring, careful death for all (Murray, Paul)
- Healthcare Chaplaincy as a part of total care....(Opatrná, Marie)
- The theology of death......(Kofinas)
- Tragic Redemption: Healing the Guilt and Shame ......(Johnson)
Debat met van Knippenberg
- Zo lijfelijk als de ziel..... (Nieuwenhuis)
- Tragic Redemption: Healing the Guilt and Shame ......(Johnson)
Ecclesiology of communion
- Intra-Church differences and tensions..... (Brusco)
- Differences and tensions....(Forsbeck)
Empirical Studies
- Spiritual Care in a Hospital Setting - An Empirical-theological .. (Smeets)
England, Church of
- Hospital Healthcare Chaplaincy........(Herbert)
End of Life
- A Life Context approach for Developing End-of-Life Decisions... (Burn, George A)
- Religiousness and Spiritual Support Among Advanced Cancer Patients ....(Balboni et al)
- Healthcare Chaplaincy as a part of total care....(Opatrná)
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia.....(Meel, Liidia)
- Vrijheid en vrijheid is twee ..... (Nieuwenhuis)
European Health Care Chaplaincy
- Different Dimensions of Spirituality....(Kofinas)
European Network of Health Care Chaplaincy (ENHCC)
- Brücken bilden – Hoffnung stärken (Inauen)
European Union
- A challenge for the ENHCC (Vandenhoeck)
- Vrijheid en vrijheid is twee ..... (Nieuwenhuis)
- Intra-Church differences and tensions..... (Brusco)
Generic Spiritual Care
- Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care.....(Nolan)
Geestelijk verzorger
- Een persoonlijke eraring (Nieuwenhuis)
Healthcare Team
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia.....(Meel, Liidia)
- Why is it an advantage to have a chaplain...? (Naďová)
- Ensuring a caring, careful death for all (Murray, Paul)
- Hospital Healthcare Chaplaincy........(Herbert)
- Spiritual Care in a Hospital Setting - An Empirical-theological .. (Smeets)
Human existence, sense of
- Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare...? (Opatrná)
- Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care.....(Nolan)
- Pastoral Counselling in Care Services....... (Liégeois)
Interdisciplinary Care
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia.....(Meel, Liidia)
- Pastoral Counselling in Care Services....... (Liégeois)
- Intra-Church differences and tensions..... (Brusco)
Jesus Christ
- Differences and tensions....(Forsbeck)
Lesgeven aan artsen
- Een persoonlijke eraring (Nieuwenhuis)
- Brücken bilden – Hoffnung stärken (Inauen)
- Hospital Healthcare Chaplaincy........(Herbert)
- Een kleine fenomenologie........ (Nieuwenhuis)
- Differences and tensions....(Forsbeck)
Medical Staff
- Healthcare chaplaincy in Bulgaria....(Vuchkov)
Mental health
- Are psychiatric preconceptions....(Avgoustidis)
- Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care.....(Nolan)
National association
- Intra-Church differences and tensions..... (Brusco)
- Religiousness and Spiritual Support Among Advanced Cancer Patients ....(Balboni et al)
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia.....(Meel, Liidia)
- Een persoonlijke eraring (Nieuwenhuis)
Palliative Care
- Brücken bilden – Hoffnung stärken (Inauen)
- Ensuring a caring, careful death for all (Murray, Paul)
- Healthcare Chaplaincy as a part of total care....(Opatrná)
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia.....(Meel, Liidia)
- Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare...? (Opatrná)
Pastoral care
- Are psychiatric preconceptions....(Avgoustidis)
- Healthcare Chaplaincy as a part of total care....(Opatrná, Marie)
- Healthcare chaplaincy in Bulgaria....(Vuchkov)
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia.....(Meel, Liidia)
- Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare...? (Opatrná)
Pastoral care for the dying patient
- The theology of death......(Kofinas)
Pastoral integrity
- Professional Integration and Pastoral Integrity (Os)
- Healthcare chaplaincy in Bulgaria....(Vuchkov)
- Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care.....(Nolan)
- Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare...? (Opatrná)
Professional integration
- Professional Integration and Pastoral Integrity (Os)
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia.....(Meel, Liidia)
- Are psychiatric preconceptions....(Avgoustidis)
- Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care.....(Nolan)
Quality of Life
- Religiousness and Spiritual Support Among Advanced Cancer Patients ....(Balboni et al)
- The Role of Religion and Spirituality....(Büssing et al)
- Tragic Redemption: Healing the Guilt and Shame ......(Johnson)
Reflecties over het begrip ziel:
- Zo lijfelijk als de ziel..... (Nieuwenhuis)
- Are psychiatric preconceptions....(Avgoustidis)
- Religiousness and Spiritual Support Among Advanced Cancer Patients ....(Balboni et al)
- The Role of Religion and Spirituality....(Büssing et al)
- Healthcare Chaplaincy as a part of total care....(Opatrná)
- Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare...? (Opatrná)
Remembrance of death
- The theology of death......(Kofinas)
- Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care.....(Nolan)
- Professional Integration and Pastoral Integrity (Os)
- Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare...? (Opatrná)
- Why is it an advantage to have a chaplain...? (Naďová, & Prásilová)
Social transitions
- Healthcare chaplaincy in Bulgaria....(Vuchkov)
- Are psychiatric preconceptions....(Avgoustidis)
- Different Dimensions of Spirituality....(Kofinas)
- Religiousness and Spiritual Support Among Advanced Cancer Patients ....(Balboni et al)
- The Role of Religion and Spirituality....(Büssing et al)
- Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare...? (Opatrná)
Spiritual Care
- Een kleine fenomenologie........ (Nieuwenhuis)
- Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care.....(Nolan)
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia....((Meel, Liidia)
- Spiritual Care in a Hospital Setting - An Empirical-theological .. (Smeets)
- Tragic Redemption: Healing the Guilt and Shame ......(Johnson)
Theology of death
- The theology of death......(Kofinas)
Therapeutic intervention
- Are psychiatric preconceptions....(Avgoustidis)
Total care
- Healthcare Chaplaincy as a part of total care....(Opatrná)
- Reflections on interdisciplinarity in pastoral care practice....((Meel, Liidia)
- Healthcare chaplaincy in Bulgaria....(Vuchkov)
Vrijheid en vrijheid is twee ..... (Nieuwenhuis)
- Zo lijfelijk als de ziel..... (Nieuwenhuis)
- Vrijheid en vrijheid is twee ..... (Nieuwenhuis)
Index of Authors
- Avgoustidis, Fr Adamantios (Are psychiatric preconceptions....)
- Balboni, Tracy A. , Vanderwerker,Lauren C. ,Block Susan D. , Paulk,M. Elizabeth , Lathan,Christopher S. , Peteet,John R. , and Prigerson, Holly G. (Religiousness and Spiritual Support Among Advanced Cancer Patients....)
- Brusco, Fr Dr Angelo (Intra-Church differences and tensions....)
- Burn, George A ( A Life Context approach for Developing End-of-Life Decisions)
- Burn, George & Vandenhoeck, Anne (Common and uncommon....)
- Büssing, Arndt et al(The role of religion and spirituality....)
- Forsbeck, Rev Rune (Differences and tensions....)
- Kofinas, Fr Stavros (The theology of death....)
- Kofinas, Fr Stavros (The dimensions of spirituality....)
- Herbert, Bishop Christopher (Hospital Healthcare Chaplaincy...)
- Inauen, Marlène (Brücken bilden – Hoffnung stärken)
- Johnson, Hiram (Tragic Redemption)
- Liégeois, Axel ( Pastoral Counselling in Care Services: Between Confidential Space and Integrated Care)
- (Meel, Liidia (The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia...)
- Murray, Paul (Ensureing a caring death for call)
- Nadová, Mgr Lýdia & Prásilová, Mgr Miriam (Why is it an advantage...)
- Nieuwenhuis, drs HJ (Een kleine fenomenologie van het ambt)
- Nieuwenhuis, drs HJ (Vrijheid en vrijheid is twee)
- Nieuwenhuis, drs HJ (Zo lijfelijk als de ziel)
- Nieuwenhuis, drs HJ ( Een persoonlijke eraring van een verrassende ontdekking: lesgeven aan arts-assistenten in het algemeen ziekenhuis )
- Nolan, Rev Dr Steve (Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care..)
- Opatrná,MUDr. Mgr. Marie (Why Spiritual Care in Czech healthcare...)
- Opatrná,MUDr. Mgr. Marie (Healthcare Chaplaincy as a part of total care)
- Os, Rev Eirik (Professional Integration and Pastoral Integrity)
- Prásilová, Mgr Miriam & Nadová, Mgr Lýdia (Why is it an advantage..)
- Smeets, Dr Wim (Spiritual Care in a Hospital Setting - An Empirical-theological Exploration)
- Vandenhoeck, Dr Anne (A challenge for the European Network of Health Care Chaplains)
- Vuchkov, Dr Jordan (Healthcare Chaplaincy in Bulgaria: Traditions and Problems)
Index of Original Language
- A Life Context approach for Developing End-of-Life Decisions (Burn, Geroge A)
- Are psychiatric preconceptions against pastoral care scientifically approved? (Avgoustidis, Fr Adamantios)
- A challenge for the European Network of Health Care Chaplains (Vandenhoeck, Anne)
- Common and Uncommon Ground (Burn, George & Vandenhoeck, Anne)
- Differences and tensions in healthcare chaplaincy in Europe on a ecumenical level (Forsbeck, Rune)
- Different dimensions of spirituality in European health care chaplaincy (Kofinas, Fr Stavros)
- Ensuring a caring, careful death for all (Murray, Paul)
- Healthcare Chaplaincy in Bulgaria: Traditions and Problems (Vuchkov, Dr Jordan)
- Hospital Healthcare Chaplaincy, A briefing paper from the Hospital Chaplaincies Council (Herbert, Bishop Christopher)
- Intra-Church differences and tensions in health care chaplaincy (Brusco, Fr Dr Angelo)
- Pastoral Counselling in Care Services (Axel Liégeois)
- Professional Integration and Pastoral Integrity (Os, Eirik)
- Psychospiritual care: a paradigm (shift) of care for the spirit in a non-religious context (Nolan, Rev Dr Steve)
- Religiousness and Spiritual Support Among Advanced Cancer Patients....(Balboni et al)
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of Pastoral Care Practice in Estonia (Meel, Liidia)
- The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Medical Patients in Germany (Büssing, Arndt, Ostermann, Thomas and Matthiessen, Peter F)
- Spiritual Care in a Hospital Setting - An Empirical-theological Exploration (Smeets, Dr Wim)
- Tragic Redemption: Healing the Guilt and Shame (Johnson, Hiram)
- The theology of death and its relation to the pastoral care of the dying patient (Kofinas, Fr Stavros)
- Healthcare Chaplaincy as a part of total care (Opatrná, Marie)
- Why Spiritual Care in the Czech Healthcare System? (Opatrná,MUDr. Mgr. Marie)
- Een kleine fenomenologie van het ambt (a phenomenology of ministry) (Nieuwenhuis, drs HJ)
- Vrijheid en vrijheid is twee (Nieuwenhuis , drs H J)
- Zo lijfelijk als de ziel (Nieuwenhuis , drs H J)
- Brücken bilden – Hoffnung stärken (Inauen, Marlène)
- Why is it an advantage to have a chaplain in the institution (hospital/hospice)? (Nadová, Mgr Lýdia & Prásilová, Mgr Miriam)